Daisypath Friendship tickers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lies. Catch them in action!

Teacher: why you are not submitted your assignment last Friday?
Student: I was submitted my assignment last Friday.
Teacher: did you? There is no your assignment on my desk.
Student: errr…

Lying….. Did you ever lying to someone? If you answers me no, then you are lying. Hahaha… we are not “malaikat” right? 

      I want to share with you some tips about lying. Let’s check it out!

Body Language of Lies:


A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact.
• Hands touching their face, throat & mouth.

Interactions and Reactions

A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away.
• A liar might unconsciously place objects (book, coffee cup, etc.) between themselves and you.

Verbal Context and Content

A liar will use your words to make answer a question. When asked, “Did you eat the last cookie?” The liar answers, “No, I did not eat the last cookie.”
A statement with a contraction is more likely to be truthful: “ I didn't do it” instead of “I did not do it”
• Liars sometimes avoid "lying" by not making direct statements. They imply answers instead of denying something directly.

Other signs of a lie:

If you believe someone is lying, then change subject of a conversation quickly, a liar follows along willingly and becomes more relaxed. The guilty wants the subject changed; an innocent person may be confused by the sudden change in topics and will want to back to the previous subject.

**a fact to be share: around 95 percent of Malaysian children, aged seven and 14 years, feel it is more important for parents to spend time with them than make lots of money.(the 5th Annual Children's Career Survey)